Upcoming Events

  • Dr. Keller will present a poster at ISPPD-13 in South Africa about antimicrobial resistance due to gene regulation

Past Events

  • First poster presentations of Lucas and Fahim at UMMC Research Day, October 2023

  • Fahim and Lucas presented at ASM South Central Branch on November 9-11 in Little Rock, AR

  • Dr. Keller gave an invited talk at Mississippi State University for the Biological Sciences Department

  • Dr. Keller Departmental seminar on Jan 29th 2024

  • Mary Agnes Mestayer presented a poster of work done the Keller lab at the annual 2024 School of Dentistry Research Day 

    • Mary Agnes won the Dentsply Sirona Student Competition for Advancing Dental Research and its Application (SCADA) Award and will present this research at the international SCADA competition in New York City- CONGRATULATIONS 

  • Fahim and Lucas had oral presentations at the 84th annual meeting of Mississippi Academy of Sciences in February 2024

    • Fahim won 1st and Lucas won 2nd place for graduate student oral presentations for the Health Sceince Division at MAS- GREAT JOB